sub, 3. ožujka '07 u 02:59
Ekipa zelim vas sve pozdraviti jer je doslo vrijeme da napustim igru. Sablasni gradovi, besmisleno grindanje i nedostatak RP-a su samo neki od razloga zasto sam izgubio i volju i zelju cekati i nadati se promjenama na bolje. Ne samo da je igra izgubila duh i atmosferu koju je nekad davno imala nego je i profil igraca spao na 12 godina, a ja sam nazalost prestar da bih se uklopio u taj svijet.
Teras Kasi tournament, lov na Krayt dragone, za****ncija u coronet cantini.... samo su neke od lijepih uspomena kojih cu se uvijek rado sijecati. Bilo mi je zadovoljstvo igrati sa vama jer bez vas SWG za mene nikad nebi ni postojao...
Drinking his last Bantha Blood Fizz in Mos Eisly canina, YpSan noticed a gruesome looking figure standing in a shadow just across his table. 'So, I found you at last...' a scary voice struck his heart as a cold shower on a hot summer day.
After joining an Imperial Secret Service, YpSan knew his identity was erased and noone outside Vader's Fist could have known... Suddenly all became clear and there was no more doubts who the stranger was. YpSan's fast hands reaching for a carabine were not fast enough for a skilled marksman, a born killer, a man who lives to kill and kills to live....
Bantha Blood Fizz spilled all over the table and a sound of a breaking glass interrupted a short moment of silence.
'Why?' A weak silent wisper came out of YpSan's mouth indicating his last words.
'We no longer need your services. Bagzy sends his regards.' With no emotions Zizi walked away and disapeared in a shadow...
We Got
AssPunisher izmjenio poruku 03.03.2007, 03:34