sri, 20. lipnja '12 u 13:26
Kupio sam stripove o Batmanu
Konacno imam celu trilogiju!

Super pokloncic!

Uskoro ce mi stici jos
to su Batman: Hush returns i Haunted Knight.
Evo sta imam:
1. Dark Joker The Wild
2. Claws of the Cat-Woman ( sa Tarzanom)
3. Monsters
4. Batman Vs Predator
5. Face The Face
6. Dark Victory
7. The Long Halloween
8. Batman and Son
9. Hush vol.1 (Jim Lee)
10. Hush vol.2 (Jim Lee)
11. The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul
12. All-Star Batman and Robin: The Boy Wonder (Jim Lee and Frank Miller)
13. Rules of Engagement
14. Cacopnony
15. Knightfall vol.1
16. Knightfall vol.2
17. Knightfall vol.3
18. Castle of The Bat
19. Year One (Frank Miller)
20. The Killing Joke
21. Crismon Mist
22. Black Masterpiece
23. Seduction of the Gun
Imam puno americkih/mesecnih stripova...Ovo mi je prvi put nakon 19 godina da kupujem dobre stripove