sub, 15. travnja '06 u 09:10
na biowareovom forumu se pojavio ovaj link ( nazalost je na talijanskom ):
To je navodno prvi screenshot iz biovog mmorpga
ljudi su pitali devove ( koji su aktivni na svim forumima ) dal je to pravi screenshot al ne odgovaraju
svi su ljudi govorili da ih podsjeca na mladog anakina a pozadina na naboo ( iako meni bas ne lici na naboo al dobro )
Edit( Preveden text sa googleovim translateorom ):Applauded the sviluppatore Canadian BioWare (Baldur' s Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic) has revealed that to the E3 they will be introduced "one or two been strange relative to tito them currently in phase of development".We remember that BioWare is to the job on the game of fantascientifico role Mass Effect for Xbox 360 and on more the classic Dragon Age for PC Moreover, even if in via in order now unofficial, has launch a new inner team, BioWare Austin, for the realization of a MMORPG.Just in relation to this new plan it is jumped outside the first one screenshot, that you can observe also in this page.The acclimatization seems that one medievale/fantasy, while it seems excluded that it can be dealt of a game inspired from a known series, indeed seems just of having to that making with a completely new plan.
Therefore, if one of the two surprise to which has made reference can be this MMORPG, the other is entire in the shadow for the moment.Some indiscretions would want, however, that BioWare is thinking to a continuation for Jade Empire, game of role rilasciato in the course of 2005 exclusively on Xbox.
Nadam se da se kuzi nekaj jer neke su rijeci ostale talijanske:-/.