pon, 28. veljače '05 u 12:28
Darth_Maul-The LordMisliš na onoga bradatoga lika koji ti zarobi glavnog lika?Ne,Goto nije taj lik,on samo komunicira preko Go-ta.
Sto se tice Go-Toa... NIsam imao dovoljno veliki influence s njim, ali mislim da je on zapravo droid (nisam siguran je li bas ovaj koji imas on). To mu kazem, ali zbog malog influenca nista ne odgovori. Kada pogledas sve o njemu se svodi na droide.
A sada info koji sam upravo pronasao na forumima:
Goto(A): Yes? Is there something you wished to do for me?
Exile(B): I wanted to talk to you about your operations on Nar Shaddaa.
A: (Influence Success) I am willing to indulge some of your questions.
B: A lot of your operations on Nar Shaddaa were carried out by droids.
A: So? Thy are known qualities. I also used them aboard my ship for defense. But that in itself means little. I assure you, I am as flesh and blood as you are. I simply find personal meetings - distasteful.
(talking about operations, droids not functioning in Jekk'Jekk Tarr = no eyes for Goto, all jackings were by droids, Bith scientist killed by droid, and stuffs)
B: I think you used droids in your operations because you are a droid.
A: Indeed? How insulting. But I suppose I should accept such arrogance from an ex-Jedi. And what, may I ask, has caused you to come to this flawed deduction?
B: Something about Visquis and the Jekk'Jekk Tarr is what made me think of it. The way you said "organic."
A: An expression only.
B: Is it? The identifier wasn't necessary, yet you felt the need to use it.
B: Normally, I would attribute such a slip to...human...memory, but one of your annoying traits is that you seem to remember everything.
(not that important stuff)
B: The first Republic droid intelligence intended for Citadel Station was lost. Or was it?
A:...It was lost, yes. It was given an impossible order................................
B: So what did this "droid" do?
A: It made a simple.......................................
B: So you are the droid intended for Citadel Station.
A: Yes. Immediately.....................................................
Uglavnom ja nisam uspio sve ovo napraviti... Dosao sam samo do dijela "Ineed. How insulting.