ned, 25. rujna '05 u 02:13
JaspelNemam bas najdrazu al mogu izdvojit par najboljih: Wicker Man, The Nomad, Dream of Mirrors, Fear Of The Dark, Out of The Silent Planet, Mother Russia, The Number of The Beast, Run to the Hills, Where Eagles Dare, The Trooper, Moonchild, Can I Play With Madness, Brave New World, Wasted Years.... Ima ih jos al se ne mogu sjetit, al ove bi mogao izdvojit kao najdraze, iako mi nema losih pjesama od Maidena, izuzev mozda Charlotte The Harlotte i Murders in the Rue Morgue, njih nemrem smislit.
Jel to možda obrada pjesme "Mother Russia" prog-benda Renaissance iz 70-ih?
Sam zakljuci, iako sumnjam... Maideni nikad nista nisu kopirali.
Mother Russia how are you sleeping
Middle winter cold winds blow
From the trees the snowflakes drifting
Swirling round like ghosts in the snow
Mother Russia poetry majestic
Tells the time of a great empire
Turning round the old man ponders
Reminiscing an age gone by
Mother Russia
Dance of the Tsars
Hold up your heads
Be proud of what you are
Now it has come
Freedom at last
Turning the tides of history
And your past
Mother Russia
Dance of the Tsars
Hold up your heads
Remember who you are
Can you release
The anger the grief
Can you be happy
Now your people are free