sri, 21. rujna '05 u 19:55
Vidooa kakvi su to gray jediji?
The Baadu, or Gray Jedi, are a rare breed of force users. They consciously try to remain neutral in the struggle between the Dark Side and the true ways of the Jedi. This is not an easy task, and it is harder to attain even a fair amount of neutrality when one is working with the Force. A very specialized Force Power (The Cleansing) is needed for the existence of the Baadu.
NOTE: Baadu are very rare.
History of the Baadu:
The Way of the Baadu was spawned from Biirta Baadu, a human Jedi Master who flirted with the Dark Side for much of his very long, Force using life. He never actually became an adept of the Dark Side, but became quite well versed in its use. Biirta managed to develop a Force power that was able to keep him somewhat free from the clutches of the Dark Side. He was always just beyond reach. He never taught anybody his findings, but his journal survived. A few copies of his journal were made, and they exist scattered throughout the galaxy.
The Baadu tend to be very solitary. There is no unity in the ranks of the Baadu, and there may be enmity between members on the rare occasions they meet. The way of the Baadu is a lonely path, and few people can maintain the duality of consciousness it requires.
Most Baadu tend to lead “questionable” lives, doing things along the lines of bounty hunting, smuggling, etc. Although these acts are certainly illegal (for the most part), their evilness can be questioned...
Ovo je iz TFN-ove enc.
this was a term, used by the Jedi Knights, to describe a Jedi Knight or Master who did things their own way, convinced in their own minds that the path they had chosen was the only true path. These Jedi tended to ignore the wisdom of others; although this was not a direct attribute of the Dark Side of the Force, many believed that it was not a trait of the Light Side.
Ovo je iz wikipedie.
Gray Jedi
Jedi who have left the Jedi Order or have been cast out of it may be referred to as Gray Jedi. Gray Jedi have not turned to the dark side, rather they use both light and dark side powers and view the force as two pieces of a whole. Gray Jedi are not subject to follow the Jedi High Council and use dark side powers with great discretion.