ned, 10. srpnja '05 u 13:48
SidiousSamo me zanimalo dal je Plagueis prenio znanje spriječavanja umiranja na Palpatinea a ako zbog toga misliš da samo čekam fajt onda slabo povezuješ "sine".
Palpatine je JAKO sporo pričao Anakinu, kako bi ovaj razumio svaku riječ (a i gledatelj, tj. TI). Ako iz ovoga...
ROTS knjiga"Well, to safeguard his power's existence, he teaches thepathtoward it to his apprentice."
"And his apprentice kills him in hissleep,"Palpatinesaidwitha careless shrug. "Plageuis never sees it coming. That's the tragic irony, you see: he can save anyone in the galaxy from death-except himself."
"What about the apprentice? What happens to him?"
"Oh, him. He goes on to become the greatest Dark Lord the Sith have ever known..."
... nisi shvatio da je Palpatine njegov učenik ida je prenio cijelo svoje znanje na Sidiousa...
Istu stvar je rekao u filmu.
"Leaves from the vine, falling so slow.
Like fragile, tiny shells,
Drifting in the foam.
Little soldier boy, come marching home.
Brave soldier boy, comes marching home."
Orion izmjenio poruku 10.07.2005, 13:50