sub, 25. rujna '04 u 14:04
To access a Star Wars Trilogy gag reel, go to the Video Game &Still Galleries menu page. Using your remote, press "10+", "1" (or "11" depending on your player) and wait for the pause as the player accepts the input (note that a small box next to R2-D2 will illuminate if you're on the right track). Then press "3" and wait for the pause. Finally, press "8".
Nažalost nisam našao nigdje na netu što napravit ako ih gledaš na kompu. Mislim da su rađeni samo za playere. Eksperimentiraj s ovime gore.
"Leaves from the vine, falling so slow.
Like fragile, tiny shells,
Drifting in the foam.
Little soldier boy, come marching home.
Brave soldier boy, comes marching home."