uto, 15. lipnja '04 u 11:37
Jedino, sto Dxun ne miriši po kiselini i na njemu nije baza Carstva nego Sith Temple. |
Stvar je sto sam negdje skinuo ovaj tekst o Dxunu:
The moon of Dxun however was the home of a great battle between one of the most powerful Dark Lords of the Sith and the Jedi masters who wished to bring him to justice. The entierety of the Jedi order was on Dxun to destroy this Dark Lord and it took thier greatest efforts to finaly destroy him on that moon. Both the planet and it's nearest moon house several tombs and graves of noted Dark lords. It is said valuable and unique dark side items still remain hidden by the jungles of the moon.
A dense jungle covers the entier moons surface. It rains with a consistansy unmatched except on water worlds every day practicly.
A thick noxious cloud of semi acidic fog baths the small moon constantly. Quakes are common place and volcanic eruptions and molten lava rivers pock the moons surface breaking through the dense jungle at times.
There is also a large scar across the surface of Dxun. Known as the Well of Darkness it is powerful with the Dark Side. It is even reported that the whispered barly audible voices of past Sith lords on the winds in the crevice. it is rumored that the essence of some of those Fallen Sith Lords escaped thier tombs and pooled in this dark place.
Pa sam ja po tome zakljucio da u zrak ima pomalo miris kiseline.