uto, 10. listopada '06 u 16:03
Novo sa star warsa u vezi ekspanzije:
My name Chris Rubyor, Lead Designer of Forces of Corruption, the expansion for Star Wars: Empire at War. After spending countless hours now refining the powers of Corruption, we're ready to share some of the sinister details that make the Underworld faction unique to Star Wars: Empire at War.
Before I get started, here's a quick overview of our new playable faction. The Underworld is comprised of a network of thieves, mercenaries, and some of the most corrupt bounty hunters in the galaxy. They've been brought together under the will of Tyber Zann, a crime lord who, after many years on the spice mines of Kessel, has been unleashed on the galaxy. His goal is a simple one -- take back his empire that had been seized by the Hutt Cartel, and gain control of all criminal activities in the galaxy.
Before Empire at War shipped, we had many long discussions with LucasArts about the expansion pack, and whether or not to build off the sides we've already had or do something totally new. We came up with a few ideas, such as re-igniting the Clone Wars, exploring what happens to the galaxy post-Endor, etc., but the concept that really seemed to resonate among everyone was Corruption, and being able to play the Underworld element. So that's what we went with.
[ Corrupting a Galaxy: A Forces of Corruption Diary ] Having to start from scratch allowed us to design a totally different experience for Empire at War, adding over 35 new units, all new special abilities, and new game-play mechanics via corruption. We were even able to incorporate a few twists, like offering Clone Wars-era units upgraded with weapons from the current timeline. This really helps the Underworld feel different, giving them a play style unique to Empire at War.
Since Corruption is always present in the Star Wars universe, we really wanted the player to experience it as both a play style and also an overall mentality throughout the game. On the strategic galactic layer, Corruption gives the Underworld huge flexibility in how they move, spy and make tactical decisions, primarily through economy, enhanced travel, and strategic manipulation of the both the Rebel and Imperial factions.
Corruption's primary purpose is to generate cash and allows access to black market technology. Essentially it works like a mining facility, extorting a percentage of credits from the planetary income generated during a galactic day. Everything requires large quantities of cash for the Underworld, and Corruption is the primary way for them to generate income.
[ Corrupting a Galaxy: A Forces of Corruption Diary ] Unlike the other factions, the Underworld has no real tech tree. The production of units is simply based on the proper ground structures and space station size. This may seem like insanity, but after all, the Underworld does not need to research technology... they just buy it. This leads us into the black market. Since the Underworld has no tech tree, units do not come equipped with special powers. Instead, these abilities must be purchased through the black market, usually at a pretty high price. So if you want your Vengeance Frigates to cloak, you need to buy the tech from a black market on a Corrupted Imperial world. If you want access to Carbonite Warheads for your Missile Attack Launcher, you'll need to buy the technology from the Rebel black market.
Another element of Corruption is mobility and sabotage. When Corruption is established, the Corrupted world will "web" with another nearby corrupted system creating a unique hyperspace corridor specific to the Underworld player. This gives the Underworld faster travel times between worlds and helps them avoid any imperial entanglements that may be waiting.
[ Corrupting a Galaxy: A Forces of Corruption Diary ] Sabotage allows the Underworld to selectively choose which structures and ships they would like to "decommission." Of course, like everything in the Star Wars universe, this ability costs cash, but can be extremely effective when targeting specific worlds to occupy.
The final components to Corruption are the unique attributes that have a positive effect for Rebel and Imperial factions. On the strategic layer for example, enemy players may notice that their ships and vehicles build times are slightly shorter, or that their smugglers will no longer expire, or even that their units produced at Cantinas will cost a lot less on corrupted planets. So for the opposing factions we've built "incentives" to keeping the elements of corruption around... even if it's only temporarily.
Corruption gives the Underworld a new and unique way to play and influence events in their quest for complete galactic domination. Of course, this being a real-time strategy game, there will definitely be powerful counters for the Rebel and Imperial factions to thwart the Underworld's efforts. But we'll save that for another day.
Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption comes out for PC on October 24
Osim toga skinuo sam demo.Igrica izgleda primamljivo ali je demo jaaako kratak.No ima jako puno unitsa i te kako kažu clone wars stvari pa onda možemo očekivati nešto dobro.....Preporučujem da se čeka cijela igrica ako ćete je uzimati ne trošite se bandwidth ako vam život nije dosadan...
There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow, those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence. Equality is a perversion of the natural order!