čet, 28. lipnja '12 u 07:47
i meni je, na fejsu gledam RetroStarWars. Evo veoma je zanimljivo!
A fan shared this with me on my page
Funny Star Wars, what does yours come out to? -Cam
Month Born in:
1. I turned to the dark side with
2. I took a bullet for
3. I dueled
4. I trained
5. I fought along side
6. I destroyed the death star with
7. I kissed
8. I was kidnapped by
9. I was a padawan for
10. I danced with
11. I killed
12. I punched
Day you were born:
1. Jabba the Hut
2. Yoda
3. C-3po
4. Jar Jar Binks
5. Luke Skywalker
6. Gamorian Guard
7. Princess Leia
8. Darth Maul
9. R2-D2
10. Aelia Secura
11. An Ewok
12. Han Solo
13. The Emperor
14. Admiral Ackbar
15. Darth Vader
16. Commander Rex
17. A Wampa
18. Chewbacca
19. Obi-wan Kenobi
20. Anakin Skywalker
21. Boba Fett
22. Padme
23. Asajj Ventress
24. Commander Cody
25. Hondo Onaka
26. General Grievous
27. Cad Bane
28. Ashoka Tano
29. Mace Windu
30. Count Dooku
31. General Krell
Last Number of the Year you were born in:
0. On a Speeder
1. In the Death Star
2. In Bed
3. At the Ewok Village
4. In the Shower
5. At Mustafar
6. In General Grievous’s Lair
7. In the Millennium Falcon
8. At Jabba’s Palace
9. In the Carbon Freezing Chamber
Colour Shirt you are wearing:
White- Because I am a slave
Pink- Because I have hibernation sickness
Black- Because I was going to be fed to Sarlac
Red- Because I didn’t want to be force choked by Vader
Blue- Because I am an Ewok god
Green- Because I am secretly evil
Yellow- Because I always obey my master
Orange- Because I am a bounty hunter
Purple- Because I am a Jedi, like my father before me
Gray- Because my over confidence is my weakness
Brown- Because I am auditioning for the role of sith apprentice
Other- Because I am a Rebel