čet, 19. ožujka '09 u 07:40
Da se ne bi na krivom mjestu raspravljalo o ovom evo novog topica.
Koliko sam ja shvatio sve je krenulo od popisa stanovnistva gdje se jedan mali, ali ne neznatan dio stanovnistva raznih zemalja deklarirao kao Jedi, Jediism ili slicno kod pitanja o religijskim uvjerenjima.
Za uvod evo par stvari s Order of the jedi stranice:
"We believe the "force" is an energy that binds all living things together, or to popularize the phrase "an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together". We believe that good and evil energies exist in everyone and without each other freewill could not exist"
"The basic concepts and ideals of Jediism were introduced by the fictional Star Wars movies. However, these concepts were quickly and readily recognized by many people throughout the world as being a religion that they could more readily ascribe to than traditional religions. "
E pa sad da cujemo sto nas svjet misli o ovom?
Ukoliko nekog vise zanima postoji vec vise slicnih stranica na netu - proguglajte.
Z.J.___________________________"NOOOO!!!!" ―Bail Organa witnessing Zett's death