sub, 3. veljače '07 u 11:50
Dvije riječi: Timothy Zahn!
Novi njegov roman je izašao, a poznavajući njegova ostala djela, sigurno možemo očekivati još jedan hit poput Thrawn trilogije i Outbound flighta. Radnja je ovaj put smještena između ANH i TESB, a likovi su po običaju glavni likovi iz filmova i oni koje je Zahn stvorio.
Sadržaj prenesen s wikipedie: Mara Jade, the Emperor's Hand, is looking into the illicit financial affairs of a planetary governor, hoping to find evidence that he might be funding the Rebellion. Luke, Han, and Chewbacca are sent on a mission to help some rebel supporters. Leia is busy being a diplomat, trying to drum up support for the Rebel Alliance. And a band of 5 stormtroopers, on the run after refusing a direct order, finds itself in the strange position of doing good deeds...and perhaps even aiding the Rebellion. The paths of all of them will crisscross back and forth as they come closer and closer to meeting up with one another...but never quite managing to.
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