sri, 8. ožujka '06 u 17:45
*sigh* Dark Empire je izašao davno prije TPMa i Lucasove ideje o samo dva Sitha, blablabla... uglavnom, dio EUa je i gotovo.
GLThere are two worlds here," explained Lucas. "There’s my world, which is the movies, and there’s this other world that has been created, which I say is the parallel universe – the licensing world of the books, games and comic books. They don’t intrude on my world, which is a select period of time, [but] they do intrude in between the movies. I don’t get too involved in the parallel universe."
Autori ove serije su stvorili Quinlana Vosa, koji je postao dio Lucasovog G-kanona. To nije lako.
Malo vjere u njih, eh?
"Leaves from the vine, falling so slow.
Like fragile, tiny shells,
Drifting in the foam.
Little soldier boy, come marching home.
Brave soldier boy, comes marching home."