ned, 13. ožujka '05 u 12:02
Gliding through the blackness of deep space, the
Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera pointed its mighty
arrowhead shape toward the dim star of its target system,
three thousandths of a light-year away. And prepared itself
for war.
"All systems show battle ready, Admiral," the comm
officer reported from the portside crew pit. "The task force
is beginning to check in."
"Very good, Lieutenant," Grand Admiral Thrawn nodded.
"Inform me when all have done so. Captain Pellaeon?"
"Sir?" Pellaeon said, searching his superior's face for
the stress the Grand Admiral must be feeling. The stress he
himself was certainly feeling. This was not just another
tactical strike against the Rebellion, after all-not a minor
shipping raid or even a complex but straightforward hit-and-
fade against some insignificant planetary base. After nearly
a month of frenzied preparations, Thrawn's master campaign
for the Empire's final victory was about to be launched.
But if the Grand Admiral was feeling any tension, he
was keeping it to himself. "Begin the countdown," he told
Pellaeon, his voice as calm as if he were ordering dinner.
Proud fan of one truly Star Wars®: Knights of the Old RepublicTM(GOTY '03.)