sub, 10. rujna '05 u 14:34
Procitaj ovo:
"I purchased a US version of World of Warcraft and I now wish to play on the European Realms. What do I need to do?
We strongly advise you not to purchase the US version of World of Warcraft. Instead, you should purchase the European version of the game. If, however, you choose to purchase a copy from the US, we will try to help you by transferring the Authentication key to the European database. Should you wish for us to do this transfer, you will need to email a valid, unused US Authentication key to the Technical Support team using this webform.
Please be aware that this can be a very time consuming process. It requires resources from the US and the EU database teams. Should you request a transfer of the Collector's Edition of the game, you may lose the ability to have the free in-game pet and you will need to contact a Game Master in-game using the Help Request system. If you have already created an account on the US realms with your key, we will not be able to transfer the key or any 10 day free guest passes."
Stoga nadam se da nisi vec napravio account (pretpostavljam da nisi jer bi ti besplatan mjesec tekao). Iako nisam siguran hoce li ti ovo napraviti uvijek mozes pokusati. Inace ja sam igrao nekih 3 mjeseca na modemu i moguce je igrati (bio to RP, normal ili PVP server). Veci lag se stvara u capitalima poput Ironforgea, Orgrimmara, no on je cesto produkt i kolicine memorije. Inace vjerojatno se preporucuje igranje na normal serverima jer se pvp flag moze iskljuciti po zelji pa ako se ispostavi da previse laga mozes ga iskljuciti te onemoguciti clanovima suprotnog factionada te napadnu.
Sto se tice klasa uglavnom je najtrazeniji priest. Uglavnom okosnicu grupe od 5 clanova cine warrior, priest i mage.
Edit: Ah form je na istom mjestu odakle i ovaj tekst: