pon, 12. rujna '05 u 23:14
(neznam, jeli ovo tko spomenuo )
Malo sam se raspitivo dataljnije o Sequestu i saznao da je
Jonathan Brandis aka Lucas Wolenczak počinio samoubijstvo 2003.
"On November 11, 2003, at about 11:40 p.m., a friend of Jonathan Brandis called police to report that the actor had attempted suicide at his apartment, located in the 600 block of Detroit Avenue. Paramedics from the Los Angeles Fire Department responded and transported Brandis to Cedars Sinai Medical Center where he eventually died from his injuries. Brandis was pronounced dead by hospital staff on November 12, 2003, at about 2:45 p.m."
Znate li da se kandidirao za ulogu Anakina u EpII..
Malo me sve začudilo..
Xis Latos izmjenio poruku 12.09.2005, 23:15