pon, 13. lipnja '05 u 11:34
1) Phaser ali ne sa uskim snopom
Prvo uspavas Jedi-a a onda mozes s njim sta hoces. Ali isto tako sumnjam da LS moze izdrzat Setting 16 (Discharge energy index 2,550,000 for 0.28 seconds. The structural damage index is 2,450, and shielded matter exhibits light mechanical fracturing damage. Heavy geologic displacement occurs. Equal to or lesser than 650 m³ of rock or ore of 6.0 grams per cm³ is explosively uncoupled per discharge. )
2) TR116 rifle (An experimental weapon developed by Starfleet Security. It fires tritanium projectiles propelled by expanding gases from a chemical detonation. If modified with a micro-transporter connected near the barrel exit the rifle dematerialized the bullet after firing and rematerializes it just in front of the target, and could possibly have done it inside the victim - No comment here
3) Lightsabre ne prolaz kroz sve - echani su svoje oruzje posebnim tretmanom ucinili otporno na LS
4) Dok se izgradi jedan SSD (i iscrpe par manjih planeta svih metala) izgradi se oko.... lets see..
SSD = Crew: 279,144 crew + 38,000 troops
Prometheus Class = Officers: 41 Enlisted Crew: 100
1:2000 wow! I da, tu su one pametne antimatter rakete koje iskoce par km ispred broda i transfazna torpeda.. da heavy laser to sve sredi
Oh i prometheus klasa se razdvaja na 4 djela pokretljivih kao prosjecan lovac.
Ali SW i ST su dva sasvim razlicita svjeta i ne treba ih usporedivat
Ako ih doduse usporedimo ST je svjetlosnim godinama naprijed
I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences.