There are those with power, those with the strength and will to lead. And there are those meant to follow, those incapable of anything but servitude and a meager, worthless existence. Equality is a perversion of the natural order!
"Leaves from the vine, falling so slow. Like fragile, tiny shells, Drifting in the foam. Little soldier boy, come marching home. Brave soldier boy, comes marching home."
DARTH TILASretan ročkas onima koji slave i novim članovima želim sretno postanje-nemojte biti jedni od od onih koji napišu par postova i više se nikad ne vrate.
hvala, hvala
ma ni govora, ja sam jedan od gorih spammera, kad se uhvatim neceg, samo treba imati vremena za sve to
Welcome, welcome, enjoy! I budite aktivni, ionak je forum na aparatima pomalo
"I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
Kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town,
Dirty old town..."
- The Pogues
"I met my love by the gas works wall
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
Kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town,
Dirty old town..."
- The Pogues
"Leaves from the vine, falling so slow. Like fragile, tiny shells, Drifting in the foam. Little soldier boy, come marching home. Brave soldier boy, comes marching home."