ned, 2. srpnja '06 u 22:23
1. slika - na ovoj slici mr. Triple nosi Gucci naočale kupljene na pijaci (sve po 12 kuna) ali on svima priča da su skupe. Iz priloženog se vidi da otkriva svoju žensku stranu noseći te ženske naočale i pisanjem (na MSN- u) da ima PMS. The women must like this one.
2. slika - I wonder what`s in the backpack and where are his hands positioned.
3. slika - Triple says: "Ptuj, hebemti dlake, ptuj..."
The only thing the picture didn`t capture is the Playgirl magazine which is laing on the other towel.
4. slika - hmmm... ovdje me također zanima gdje su mu ruke pozicionirane.
The girl is probably thinking: "Let me go, you stink of sweat... Like, there`s an invention called - a shower. Use it..."
Zajedljivo enough?