*So I won't give up,
No I won't breakdown,
sooner than it seems life turns around And I will be strong,
even if it all goes wrong...
when I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe... someone's watching over me *
Cool fotka Ulysses. Nekako me podsjećaš na Kadaja iz Final Fantasy VII... Isti vam je friz bar na slici.
A ravna ti je kosa svakako, možda si je samo malo razbarušio pa se doima da nije.. Svaka čast što ne stavljaš kilograme gela... to je skroz extra
*So I won't give up,
No I won't breakdown,
sooner than it seems life turns around And I will be strong,
even if it all goes wrong...
when I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe... someone's watching over me *
Kadaj je totalno cool lik, nek priča tko što hoće, ali ja tako mislim.
*So I won't give up,
No I won't breakdown,
sooner than it seems life turns around And I will be strong,
even if it all goes wrong...
when I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe... someone's watching over me *
Ja sam bila dala plusić ali neko ga je očito "neutralisao"
I am sorry.
*So I won't give up,
No I won't breakdown,
sooner than it seems life turns around And I will be strong,
even if it all goes wrong...
when I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe... someone's watching over me *
Svako ima pravo na svoje mišljenje-ever heard of DEMOCRACY??
Meni je najbolji lik Cloud.
Ali idemo u offtopic so...
*So I won't give up,
No I won't breakdown,
sooner than it seems life turns around And I will be strong,
even if it all goes wrong...
when I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe... someone's watching over me *
*So I won't give up,
No I won't breakdown,
sooner than it seems life turns around And I will be strong,
even if it all goes wrong...
when I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe... someone's watching over me *