čet, 19. siječnja '06 u 00:25
He Wasn't Man Enough For Me-Toni Braxton
Listen girl
Who do you think I am?
Don’t you know that he was my man?
But I chose to let him go
So why do you act like I still care about him?
Looking at me like I’m hurt
When I’m the one who said I didn’t want it to work
Don’t you forget I had him first?
What you thinkin’?
Stop playing me
He wasn’t man enough for me
If you don’t know now here’s your chance
I’ve already had your man
Do you wonder just where he’s been, yeah?
Not be worried about him
Now it’s time you know the truth
I think he’s just the man for you
What are you thinking?
Do you know about us back then?
Do you know about your husband, girlfriend?
I’m not thinking ‘bout him
But you married him
Do you know I made him leave?
Do you know he begged to stay with me?
He wasn’t man enough for me
P.S* And he really wasn't...
P.S II* A ko god pada na te "Marije" (osim od Divljih Jagoda, ta pjesma mi je NESTO) nek lijepo poslusa "Maria" od US5 i onda se lijepo ustrijelu u glavu

Iako je veoma veoma lijepo ime...
*So I won't give up,
No I won't breakdown,
sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong,
even if it all goes wrong...
when I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe... someone's watching over me
