sub, 25. ožujka '06 u 17:53
Svaka cast Triple. Veoma pametna, originalna i lukava investicija u pravljenje topica. Posto vec imas par slucajeva plagijata na drguim forumima [izvini, morao sam

], izgleda da ces morati da stavis autorska prava.
No, evo jedne, izgleda najbolje, metal pesme koju sam ikada cuo. Prava pesma za arhivu metal-mjuze. A bedak je da neznam ko svira stvar

. Samo sam je u prolazu pokupio sa neta. Inace, pesma sa Judgement Day mape Warcraft III pesme.
Warcraft III- Power of the Horde
A,evo nasao sam i text:
Storm, Earth and Fire, heed my call....
I am the son of The Wind and Rain, Thunder beckons and I heed the call,
If I die upon this day, in battle I will fall...
Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves to battle we will ride.
War drums echo the beating heart, pounding from inside.
Storm, Black clouds fill the sky
Earth, I hear my battlecry
Fire, and Thunder will bring more
Death, from the power of the Horde...
Farseer to the Warsong Clan
To no men will I kneal
Feel the power and the energy, born of black blood, honour and steell
Feel the Fire burning in my veins, lightning strikes at my command
By Storm and Earth, Axe and Fire, we come to claim this land
Storm, Black clouds fill the sky
Earth, I hear my battlecry
Fire, and Thunder will bring more
Death, from the power of the Horde...
(Guitar Solo)
Surrounded by the enemy,
the wolf among the hounds
Thunder turns to silence, sek-ta
the hundred to bring me down.
Wolf Brothers falling at my side,
with honour I will die
Upon the Altar of the Storms,
I will be reborn
Storm, Black clouds fill the sky
Earth, I hear my battlecry
Fire, and Thunder will bring more
Death, for I have been reborn...
The Power of the Horde.....
Anakin: Mace, sorry za ruku!!
Mace@Winduh: J**acu ti mater!!! Ispao mi je lightsaber!!
Luke_hoda_po_nebu: I sence a disturbance in the Force!!
Mara_Dzade: J**acu ti mater aj samo jos jednom to reci!!
The_Founder izmjenio poruku 25.03.2006, 17:59