sub, 25. studenog '06 u 11:09
Jaster MereekChris Bosh rules!
Bosh je zvijerka u razvoju.
Ali ne znam kako će Toronto. Dragi su mi, ali Bargnani nije čisti centar, nije ni Bosh čisti centar. Imaju tih nekoliko mlađih oke igrača, al stvarno ne bih rekao da će predobru sezonu imati.
ImpNY Knicks anyone
karloI Nicks-i su solidni. Volim ih.
Nisu solidni...
Očajno. Zeke nema dume kako vodit klub... Strašno nešto. Knicksi bi bili championship material da nema njega i njegovih "genijalnih" poteza.
ESPNOne man's take on the New York Knicks, from Dimedom's web of front-office executives, coaches and scouts:
"They could make their lives a lot easier if Isiah changed his offense. He's running kind of a motion-style offense like he used in Indiana. The Knicks should be running pick-and-roll about 40 times a game. Francis and Frye. Then Marbury and Curry. Then Crawford and Lee. Then Francis and Lee. Every combination possible. They should pick-and-roll teams to death.
"They should play up-tempo, like everyone thought the Knicks would [coming into the season], but within that offense they need a lot of pick-and-roll. Marbury, Francis, Crawford and Robinson are all pick-and-roll players. Which is another problem; they're all the same.
"I'm not sure what their offense gives them now. It definitely doesn't put Francis in situations to attack on the pick-and-roll, where he is really good. And Marbury has no fire right now. He hasn't changed or improved his game in ages. Those two haven't convinced me that they're fighters, that they want to be part of the solution.
"But Marbury and Francis are only part of the problem. I thought the Knicks would be better, too, but they don't look very motivated to me. They don't do anything to make the opposition worry."
Jaster MereekAh da J-Rich.He rules i ne zaboravi Baron Davisa
Kako ste se skrumpali sa Davisom...
Došao je poluozlijeđen, i oporavio se do pune snage. GS ima dobru momčad. Jučer su igrali protiv Nuggetsa, jeste vidjeli to? 140:129 za Nuggetse u tekmi bez produžetaka.
Drago mi je za Utah. Jako drago. Imaju potencijal, Derron Williams, Carlos Boozer, Mehmet Okur, Andrei Kirilenko...
Šta ti treba više?
Od point guardova su mi najdraži CP3 (pratim ga još otkad je igrao u NCAA), te valjda Gilbert Arenas. On je lud do daske.
A collection of half-truths and hyperbole.