ned, 23. srpnja '06 u 19:05
@Bryan Aday: nakon što pročitaš sve vezano uz Thrawna, njegovu trilogiju i kasnije duologiju, pročitaj od Zahna Outbound Flight
Evo nešto malo c/p iz knjige da se zainteresiraš:
Anakin glanced at Kenobi. "There's always more to learn, of course," he said. "I can only hope my progress is satisfactory."
"His progress is more than satisfactory," Kenobi put in. "At this rate, he'll be a full Jedi before he's twenty."
Lorana winced. She herself was already twenty-two, and C'baoth had made no mention of recommending her for Jedi Knighthood anytime soon.
i šećer za kraj...
...And then, Thrawn's voice seemed to float up from his memory. There are all too few idealists in this universe...
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