sri, 7. lipnja '06 u 14:54
speedyDa, ali zato i postoje i Gray Jediji...
Glupost... Postoji samo light ili dark. Do or do not, there is no try.
New order koji je osnovao Luk Skywalker je zasnovan na tome da ne postoji light or dark side nego da se mora tražiti balans. Masteri starog reda nekad ne bi odobrili negova učenja.
Podsjeti me odakle si uzeo ovu referencu
The New Jedi Order grew slowly but steadily. Some Jedi from the first class Luke taught - such as Kyp Durron - became Jedi Masters. The order eventually became large enough that Luke Skywalker considered reinstating the Jedi Council. However, an extragalactic Force-dead alien species, the Yuuzhan Vong, invaded the galaxy. The war had lasted 5 years, and the results were severe. An estimated 365 trillion sentients had perished in the invasion. Many Jedi fell while fighting this new threat, but the order did survive the war and continued to grow in strength. One of the Jedi casualties of this war was Anakin Solo, the youngest son of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, and Luke's nephew. Before his death, it was widely felt that Anakin would eventually become one of the greatest Jedi of his generation, and that he would eventually take Luke's place. Since Anakin's death, it has been assumed that Luke Skywalker's son, Ben Skywalker, has the most Force potential of any living being.
In recent novels, after the war with the Yuuzhan Vong was over, Luke realized that the order would have to further adapt in order to survive. His experiences had led him to believe that the Force was not rigidly divided into a light and a dark side. Strong emotions, including anger, were not intrinsically evil - instead it was the intentions of the Force user that mattered the most. Luke came to believe that nearly everyone, regardless of their heritage, had some ability to touch and use the Force. He also felt that individual Jedi (and other Force users) would need to discover their own paths: that some could be called to contemplative life, while others would feel a need to take a more active role in galactic affairs, like the old-style Jedi. Because the Jedi had no single goal, he felt the Jedi Order as a whole should remain carefully aloof of its allegiance to the Galactic Alliance or any succeeding government.
Interestingly, many of Luke's realizations would have been considered heresy during the time of the original Jedi Order. This has caused many fans to question the continuity of the reformed Jedi order with the principles of the Jedi order in the films.
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