ned, 3. prosinca '06 u 16:41
It is almost impossible to find comics so we are forced to download them
If that’s a comfort for anyone, the situation with SW comics in Poland is almost the same (almost, ‘cause lately one of the companies started to sell comics translated into Polish).
Thrawn Trilogy is translated into Croatian language. Shadows of the Empire and New Rebellion too. A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Phantom Menace and Young Jedi Knights also.
Well, Thrawn Trilogy and SotE are classic... but New Rebellion and Young Jedi Knights? Strange choice.
Unfortunately, many Star Wars books are still in original english. But, we can buy them all from Multimedia bookshop "Algoritam".
Yeah... but, to read them, you need to know English. And that’s a big problem in Poland (in Croatia also, I think?)... nothing to be proud of, If I have to be honest.
And we don't state our views about politics here (except when we're joking about it)
That’s nice – so I presume you have a good contact with SW fans in Bosnia and Serbia? I’m actually looking for a SW websites in these countries, so if you know any valuable links... you know where to find me.
...but most the people I converse with are familiar with it and have watched the movies.
He he, You could say that in every Western country. It’s really difficult not to know Vader or sth else connected with SW...
I'm glad to see that Mos Croatia Spaceport is slowly crossing local (ex Yu) borders
Hey, maybe I’ll tell my friends from The Outer Rim to come here? It’ll be bigger fun... and maybe you’ll come to visit TOR (well, now it’s not quite possible, because we don’t have International Forum like you – but that can change.).
Star Wars scene in Croatia is very weak - it's peak was during premieres, and primarily youngsters got interested in franchize (unfortunately - prequels)
Yeeaaah... they say that Star Wars is “fairy tale for kids”... but that’s a different subject.
Speaking about the premiers... did you have them in the same time as the rest of the world? I mean Attack of the Clones (16.5.) and Revenge of the Sith (19.5.).
Fanzin (don't know the english word for it..
Well, I think that “fanzin” is already a English word, because we call it the same in Poland... however our fanzin is not very popular – I think is because you can learn everything from our most known websites.