čet, 7. prosinca '06 u 14:27
I first saw a Star wars movie, about 10 years ago.
My dad and I were in in local video store and I saw 3 movies with intereting covers( spaceships, weapons, blasters,... were things I was fascinated with back then).
I really liked it( i rented and watched the OT in 3 weeks time; one part of trilogy per weekend)
Then I played Rogue Squadron 3d and instantly liked it.
More and more, I became a SW fan.
The games( Racer, TPM, JK, JK2, JK3,...) and books( I started reading them maybe two years ago, Thrawn rules!!!) just deepened my affection thowards SW( Don't wory, I',m not with thoe guys that demand that UN makes Jedi religion a official religion
