ned, 9. listopada '05 u 20:12
Japanska firma "Fine Molds" do sada je izdala nekoliko modela na sastavljanje inspiriranih "Star Wars"ima. Ja sam do sada nabavio X Wing Fighter, Tie Fighter i Tie Interceptor, a na raspolaganju stoje još i Obi Wan's Jedi Fighter iz AOTC-a i Slave 1 iz istog filma. Omjer je 1:72 a detaljnost je nevjerovatna. Za 12 mjesec najavljena je poslastica: Millenium Falcon velik oko 30 cm, čija detaljnost uvelike prevazilazi sve dosad viđene verzije (MPC, ERTL, AMC). Cijena je oko 150 US dolara.
Tekst najave je slijedeći:
According to Fine Molds' President Kunihiro Suzuki, he and his staff took over 600 photos of the actual 60cm diameter model that was used for principal photography of the Millennium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi to give them all the reference information they needed to create the perfect replica.
The building process will be much like the way the prop was built, with numerous detail parts being attached to the large hull pieces. When completed, the model will be about 30cm (about one foot) in diameter -- just slightly smaller than the MPC/Ertl kit. It will take a lot more effort to complete this than the older kit, however, as some 17 runners will house over 800 parts that you'll need to attach!
Other features we know: landing ramp will be able to be built open or closed; display stand will be included to allow landed or in-flight display; landing gear will be able to be attached either deployed or retracted; figures of some kind will be included, but no details on those are available yet.
The kit will also include the first-ever Millennium Falcon engine detail! As that part of the ship normally appears simply as a blue-white special-effects glow, details were missing in previous products, but Lucas' artists created "official" information specifically for Fine Molds as to how that part of the ship is structured as well (based on the brief, added special effects shot from the original movie when the Falcon lifts off from Mos Eisley)!
Given all this kit will offer, of course it's not going to come cheap. But with some months to go before it's released, if you start saving now...
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