pet, 20. prosinca '19 u 03:30
Kako za
TCW, tako sam i za Rebelse složio 'trilogiju' koja pokušava sažeti seriju kroz balansirani odabir između najkvalitetnijih epizoda i onih koje su bitne za radnju i dočaravanje generalne atmosfere Rebelsa, kao i daljnji SW lore (ponajprije OT).
Rebels Trilogy - Act I - A Threat to Tyranny (ATTT)
01x01 Spark of Rebellion
01x02 Droids in Distress
01x05 Breaking Ranks
01x09 Path of the Jedi
01x14 Fire Across the Galaxy
02x01 The Siege of Lothal
Rebels Trilogy - Act II - The Path of Learning (TPOL)
02x09 The Future of The Force
02x11 A Princess on Lothal
02x16 The Honorable Ones
02x20 Twilight of the Apprentice Part 1
02x21 Twilight of the Apprentice Part 2
03x03 The Antilles Extraction
03x16 Through Imperial Eyes
03x19 Twin Suns
Rebels Trilogy - Act III - Dawn of the New Era (DNE)
03x17 Secret Cargo
03x20 Zero Hour Part 1
03x21 Zero Hour Part 2
04x10 Jedi Night
04x11 DUME
04x12 Wolves and a Door
04x13 A World Between Worlds
04x14 A Fool's Hope
04x15 Family Reunion and Farewell